Scaredy Squirrel Plush Puppet from Melanie Watt books - Stuffed Animals Reviews

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Scaredy Squirrel Plush Puppet from Melanie Watt books - Stuffed Animals Feature
The unknown can be a scary place for a squirrel.
So Scaredy Squirrel stays in his own nut tree where every day is the same. Everything is predictable. All is under control. Until one day, something unexpected happens . . .
Join in the fun with our super soft Scaredy Squirrel as he carefully ventures down from his tree and discovers it can be pretty fun out there.
Scaredy's books are written and illustrated by Melanie Watt, who also likes to hang out at home where she writes and draws . . . until it's time to try something new.
safe for all ages, perfect for ages 3-10
12" Scaredy Squirrel Puppet
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Jul 02, 2011 11:44:04
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